Yesterday, we brought you reports about a mother who lost her 3-year-old son, after he battled with a stage-4 lung cancer on Friday. Condolence messages from folks on Social Media, flooded her page, one of which is Nigerian Actress, Mercy Johnson, who innocently consoled with her.. But then, she was met with backlash from Americans. Mercy Johnson wrote on the grieving mother’s page; “I am so sorry… may you heal… you taught me so much” Immediately, she dropped her condolence message, she was quickly called out by Americans.. They claim she used the wrong emoji to console with the bereaved mother. They say the “Love Struck”, emoji is a flirtatious one, and can’t be used to console someone who’s mourning. “This is not just appropraite, why flirt with a grieving mother, with the lovestruck emoji?”, an Instagram user wrote to the actress, “@mercyjohnsonokojie honey who in their right mind uses a smilin hear eyes emoji when telling someone c...